
Balkon & Garten

Click on the photos to link to the Balkon & Garten blog and to view the latest issue. It is beautiful! Enjoy!

Red Thread Project

I shot some images for the Red Thread Project... For information on this amazing project check out their site by clicking on the link!

Images up around town... for more information - check out the following link-
Red Thread Images... at Connected by a Red Thread. My work is up at Schulers Books and Music Cafe - 28th Street, The Kava House - Eastown, The Urban Mill - Downtown, and at the Gaia - Uptown.

Lindsay Obermeyer - website - LBO Studio
Serendipity - Blog by Lindsay






New Blog

A new blog... Connected by a Red Thread, images for and inspired by the project.



Free Radical Show

Free Radical

Wojtek Dabrowski
Sandi Gunnett

Michael Phleghaar has a head shot of Tim -from the show- on his site... check it out.
